Promenade search helps ladies realize their dream dress

If you are looking for a promenade dress or have some in your closet that you just would really like to urge obviate, look no any than Giggey lady robes in Brewer United Nations agency celebrated their seventh day of remembrance this weekend.

They give away promenade prom dresses and tuxes to anyone United Nations agency desires them.

Recently, they've received a donation of over one-hundred dresses and organizers say the shop's quality has mature a lot of and a lot of over the years.

"We had a goal. we tend to wished to urge a hundred dresses given and that we surpassed that our initial year. we tend to had regarding one hundred twenty given and that we were therefore excited, however at that time initial year we tend to thought we tend to had abroach out all our friends and family, however friends and family from Massachusetts that I visited highschool with they sent dresses.

We tend to place it out on social media that was still new seven years past and strangers simply stopped by with dresses. it has been completely howling," aforementioned Giggey lady robes Co-Founder, Kim author. and more can be find in ombreprom now...come on!